At the core of every worthwhile endeavor are those whose caring and personal leadership set the course for others.
In our community, thousands of generous and caring individuals partner with United Way of Adams County to change lives and build community. Leadership givers combine public purpose with private giving to make strategic investments in the whole range of health and human service issues in our community. Because United Way of Adams County only funds programs with proven methods that match our community's needs, United Way supporters can be assured that their investments are really making a difference.
Our leadership givers are individuals and couples who contribute $500 or more annually to our community.
2024 Annual Campaign Giving Society Leaders
LIVE UNITED Award: Joanne Hibbeler
- Joanne's dedication to Good News of Christmas began over 13 years ago, when it was a Quincy Herald Whig and United Way of Adams County program. Supported by her husband, Pat, she tirelessly organizes volunteers for shopping, wrapping, and coordinating gifts for families in need every December. Alongside a team of devoted friends and volunteers, she spends countless hours ensuring each family experiences a magical Christmas. Her precision and care can be seen in every item wrapped, labeled, and sorted for distribution. Joanne's selfless contributions bring joy to those who need it most, year after year. When asked why she takes on this monumental task, she simply says, "It fills my heart." Joanne's efforts are a true example of Living United. Thank you, Joanne, for Leading the Way with your unwavering dedication, inspiring the spirit of Christmas in our community.
Business Hero Award: DOT Foods
- DOT Foods is honored with the 2024 Business Hero Award for their outstanding commitment to philanthropy and community support. Through their annual Giving Festival, they not only award grants to local nonprofits but also provide a platform to highlight the vital work these organizations do. Their generosity extends even further with a dollar-for-dollar match of all employee donations to United Way, amplifying the impact of every contribution. DOT Foods' dedication to giving back continues to strengthen our community, making a lasting difference in the lives of those in need.
Newly United Award: Hula Bowls Quincy
- The Newly United Award recognizes businesses that are new to our community and immediately embrace the spirit of giving. This year, we are proud to honor Hula Bowls for their enthusiastic participation in United Way Wednesdays during their very first year in Quincy. From the start, they jumped in with creativity and generosity, crafting limited-time menu items to directly support United Way. Their dedication to making a difference is truly inspiring, and we are grateful to have them as part of our mission to uplift Adams County!
United Way measures successful workplace campaigns and honors the companies and foundations that invest in our community.
Adams Fiber/Telephone Co-Operative
Ameren Illinois
Blessing Health System
DOT Foods
First Bankers Trust Company
Knapheide Equipment Company
Knapheide Manufacturing Company
Kunes Family Foundation
Mercantile Bank
Northeast Missouri Electric Power Co-op
Phibro Animal Health Corp.
Quincy Recycle, Inc.
Adams Electric Cooperative
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois
Liberty Bank
Rees Construction Company
Schmiedeskamp, Robertson, Neu & Mitchell
TI Trust Inc.
TRANSITIONS of Western Illinois
Adams County Health Department
Advocacy Network for Children
Anheuser Busch
Central State Bank
Cheerful Home Child Care & Learning Center
City of Quincy
Clarity Healthcare
Cornerstone: Foundations for Families
Farm & Home Supply
Gray Television, Inc.
Hansen-Spear Funeral Home
John Wood Community College
Klingner & Associates PC
Moellring & Ambler
Quincy Public Schools District #172
Tracy Family Foundation
United Way of Adams County, Inc.