Quincy Area Partnership for Unmet Needs

The Quincy Area Partnership for Unmet Needs was established to assist individuals and families who had exhausted all other avenues of assistance. Recognizing that financial stability is one of three building blocks of a good quality of life, Unmet Needs pools private donations and church pledges to provide that stability during a crisis or other difficult situation.
The Quincy Area Partnership for Unmet Needs exists to compliment the social service system by compassionately responding through networking and collaborative funding provided by individual agencies, churches and human service organizations to meet the needs of all individuals in our community that may exceed the limits of any agency.
After the flood of 1993, a group of human service and faith based organizations collaborated to help flood victims in Adams County with long-term recovery. However, the financial needs did not recede with the flood waters. There continued to be individuals and families in crisis who had nowhere else to turn. In 1997, United Way of Adams County took a leadership role to formalize the structure of the post-flood committee and create the Quincy Area Partnership for Unmet Needs. Today, United Way provides administrative support and fiscal services for the Unmet Needs Partnership.
Who can receive help from Unmet Needs?
Lower-wage jobs, rising costs and unstable employment make affording a basic household budget increasingly difficult. When faced with a financial crisis, families and individuals operating on a survival level income lack the safety net needed to maintain financial stability. The Quincy Area Partnership for Unmet Needs provides financial assistance for basic needs such as rent, mortgage and utility payments; home and car repairs; medication and medical care. Clients should pursue assistance through all available public agencies before their need can be brought before the committee.

How are clients referred to Unmet Needs?
Member agencies present cases for consideration at Unmet Needs meetings. Families or individuals in need can contact a member agency to see if Unmet Needs can help. Clients are asked to verify income of all those living in the home and average monthly expenses so that the committee can make an informed funding decision. If a case is funded, financial assistance is provided to the vendor rather than directly to the client.
Who can join the Unmet Needs partnership?
Churches and human service agencies in Adams County can request membership on the Quincy Area Partnership for Unmet Needs. Organizations are granted membership following a majority vote of the members. All those who attend meetings are required to sign a confidentiality form prior to cases being presented.
How can you support the work of the Unmet Needs partnership?
Unmet Needs appreciates generous support from local churches, individuals and businesses who donate funds to be used by the committee. Unmet Needs also receives funding from private grants and memorials. Contact United Way to make a contribution.